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1書影Comparative law : pbk 花岡Mathias SiemsCambridge University Press, [Amazon]2022教科書・参考書(国際学部 花岡) 321.9/Sie
2書影Comparative law : a very short introduction ( Very short introductions ; 743 )花岡Sabrina Ragone and Guido SmortoOxford University Press2023教科書・参考書(国際学部 花岡) 083/VSI/743
3書影Comparative legal cultures ( The international library of essays in law and legal theory[ Legal cultures ; 1] )花岡別館edited by Csaba VargaDartmouth1992図書館別館2階 321.1/Int/Leg1
4書影Law in east and west : on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Institute of Comparative Law, Waseda University = Recht in Ost und West : Festschrift zum 30-jaehrigen Jubilaeum des Instituts fuer Rechtsvergleichung der Waseda Universitaet 花岡別館edited by Institute of Comparative Law, Waseda University, herausgegeben von Institute of Comparative Law, Waseda UniversityWaseda University Press1988図書館別館2階 320.4/Was
5書影Roman law & comparative law : pbk 花岡別館Alan WatsonUniversity of Georgia Press1991図書館別館2階 322.32/Wat