検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
18 件中の 1-1012
1書影Capital and interest : a critical history of economical theory ( Reprints of economic classics )花岡別館by Eugen v. Böhm-Bawerk. Translated with a pref. and analysis by William SmartA.M. Kelley1970-1890図書館別館2階 331.853/Boh
2書影The changing environment of international financial markets : issues and analysis : us , : uk 花岡別館edited by Dilip K. Ghosh and Edgar OrtizMacmillan, St. Martin's Press1994図書館別館2階 338.9/Gho
3書影An essay on money and distribution ( Studies in political economy )花岡別館Massimo PivettiMacmillan1991図書館別館2階 337.3/Piv
4書影Essays on capital and interest : an Austrian perspective 花岡別館Israel M. KirznerEdward Elgar1996図書館別館2階 338.1/Kir
5書影The exploitation theory of socialism-communism : the idea that all unearned income (rent, interest, and profit) involves economic injustice : an extract 花岡別館Eugen von Böhm-BawerkLibertarian Press1975図書館別館2階 331.71/Boh
6書影Financial markets and monetary policy : hbk 花岡Jeffrey A. FrankelMIT Press1995経済経営関連外書(3F) 338.1/Fra
7書影Fiscal policy and interest rates in the European Union 花岡別館Klaas KnotEdward Elgar1996図書館別館2階 343/Kno
8書影The generalisation of the general theory and other essays : pbk 花岡別館by Joan RobinsonMacmillan1979図書館別館2階 331.8/Rob
9書影Interest and effort in education : pbk ( Arcturus books , Arcturus paperbacks )花岡別館by John Dewey, [with a new preface by James E. Wheeler]Southern Illinois University Press, Feffer & Simons1975図書館別館2階 133.96/Dew
10書影Interest rate management in developing countries : theory and simulation results for Korea : pbk. ( World Bank staff working papers ; no. 593 )花岡別館Sweder van WijnbergenWorld Bank1983図書館別館2階 338.221/Wij
18 件中の 1-1012