検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
26 件中の 1-10123
1書影Boundaries of the international : law and empire 花岡Jennifer PittsHarvard University Press2018国際学部推薦図書コーナー(花岡) 329.02/Pit
2書影Cassese's international law : pbk 八尾Paola Gaeta, Jorge E. Viñuales, Salvatore ZappaláOxford University Press2020国際学部推薦図書コーナー(八尾) 329/Gae
3書影Contemporary developments in international law : essays in honour of Budislav Vukas : hardback 花岡edited by Rüdiger Wolfrum, Maja Seršić, Trpimir M. ŠošićBrill Nijhoff2016書庫 329.04/Wol
4書影Democratic statehood in international law : the emergence of new states in post-Cold War practice : hardback ( Studies in international law ; v. 46 )八尾Jure VidmarHart2013国際学部推薦図書コーナー(八尾) 329.1/Vid
5書影Encyclopedia of public international law v. 1 - v. 4 花岡published under the auspices of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law under the direction of Rudolf Bernhardt, advisory board, Rudolf L. Bindschedler ... [et al.], assistant general editor, Peter Macalister-SmithNorth-Holland1992図書館4階 D/329/Ber-2
図書館4階 D/329/Ber-3
図書館4階 D/329/Ber-4
6書影Between fragmentation and democracy : the role of national and international courts : hardback 八尾Eyal Benvenisti, George W. DownsCambridge University Press2017国際学部推薦図書コーナー(八尾) 329.56/Ben
7書影Do the Geneva Conventions matter? : hbk , : pbk 花岡edited by Matthew Evangelista and Nina TannenwaldOxford University Press2017国際学部推薦図書コーナー(花岡) 329.6/Eva
8書影German yearbook of international law = Jahrbuch fuer internationales Recht v. 11: 1962 - v. 46: 2003 花岡founded by Rudolf Laun, Hermann von Mangoldt, editors: Jost Delbrueck ... [et al.]Duncker & Humblot1976図書館4階 329.059/GER/2003-46
9書影How to do things with international law : hardback 花岡Ian HurdPrinceton University Press2017国際学部推薦図書コーナー(花岡) 329/Hur
10書影Humanity at sea : maritime migration and the foundations of international law : pbk ( Cambridge studies in international and comparative law )八尾Itamar MannCambridge University Press2017国際学部推薦図書コーナー(八尾) 329.2/Man
26 件中の 1-10123