検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
43 件中の 1-1012345
1書影The architecture of collapse : the global system in the 21st century : [hbk.] ( Clarendon lectures in management studies )花岡Mauro F. GuillénOxford University Press2015経済経営関連外書(3F) 338.9/Gui
2書影Asian informal workers : global risks, local protection : hbk ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 68 )花岡edited by Santosh Mehrotra and Mario BiggeriRoutledge2007書庫 366.8/Meh
3書影China and the global economy in the 21st century ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 107 )花岡John SaeeRoutledge2011書庫 332.22/Sae
4書影Critical perspectives on globalization ( The globalization of the world economy ; 17 , An Elgar reference collection )花岡別館edited by Marina Della Giusta, Uma S. Kambhampati and Robert Hunter WadeE. Elgar2006図書館別館2階 333.6/Glo/17
5書影Development and structural change in Asia-Pacific : globalising miracles or the end of a model? ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 43 )花岡edited by Martin Andersson and Christer GunnarssonRoutledgeCurzon2003書庫 332.2/And
6書影East Asia, globalization, and the new economy ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 63 )花岡F. Gerard AdamsRoutledge2006書庫 322.2/Ada
7書影Between fragmentation and democracy : the role of national and international courts : hardback 八尾Eyal Benvenisti, George W. DownsCambridge University Press2017国際学部推薦図書コーナー(八尾) 329.56/Ben
8書影Global inequality : a new approach for the age of globalization 花岡Branko MilanovicBelknap Press of Harvard University Press2016経済経営関連外書(3F) 331.85/Mil
9書影Global Islam : a very short introduction : pbk ( Very short introductions ; 659 )花岡Nile GreenOxford University Press2020国際学部推薦図書コーナー(花岡) 083/VSI/659
10書影Globalization and development : why East Asia surged ahead and Latin America fell behind : paperback 花岡Anthony ElsonPalgrave Macmillan2015経済経営関連外書(3F) 333.6/Els
43 件中の 1-1012345