検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
件名:LCSH:Technologytransfer -- Economicaspects
1書影The economics of the latecomers : catching-up, technology transfer and institutions in Germany, Japan and South Korea ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 6 )花岡Jang-Sup ShinRoutledge1996書庫 332/Shi
2書影The economics of technology transfer ( The international library of critical writings in economics ; 139 , An Elgar reference collection )花岡別館edited by Sanjaya LallE. Elgar2001図書館別館2階 331.08/Lal/139
3書影Globalization and the location of firms : hbk ( The globalization of the world economy ; 15 , An Elgar reference collection )花岡別館edited by John CantwellEdward Elgar Publishing2004図書館別館2階 333.6/Glo/15
4書影Risk management and innovation in Japan, Britain and the United States ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 59 )花岡edited by Ruth TaplinRoutledge2005書庫 332.2/Tap
5書影SMEs in the age of globalization ( The globalization of the world economy ; 13 , An Elgar reference collection )花岡別館edited by David B. AudretschEdward Elgar2003図書館別館2階 333.6/Glo/13