検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
14 件中の 1-1012
1書影Designing financial systems in East Asia and Japan ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 53 )花岡edited by Joseph P.H. Fan, Masaharu Hanazaki and Juro TeranishiRoutledgeCurzon2004書庫 338.2/Fan
2書影Finance & financial markets : pbk 花岡Keith PilbeamMacmillan Education, Palgrave2018経済経営関連外書(3F) 338.1/Pil
3書影Financial governance in East Asia : policy dialogue, surveillance and cooperation ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 52 )花岡edited by Gordon de Brouwer and Yunjong WangRoutledgeCurzon2004書庫 338.22/Bro
4書影Financial intermediaries ( The international library of critical writings in economics ; 43 , An Elgar reference collection )花岡edited by Mervyn K. LewisE. Elgar1995経済経営関連外書(3F) 338/Lew
5書影Financial markets and institutions ( Key issues in economics )花岡Peter Howells and Keith BainLongman1990経済経営関連外書(3F) 338.9/How
6書影Foreign currency options 花岡Robin G. BrownButterworths1989経済経営関連外書(3F) 338.97/Bro
7書影India's emerging financial market : a flow of funds model : hbk ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 77 )花岡Tomoe MooreRoutledge2007書庫 332.2/Moo
8書影Managing cyber risk in the financial sector : lessons from Asia, Europe and the USA : hbk ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 129 )花岡edited by Ruth TaplinRoutledge2016書庫 338.3/Tap
9書影The monetary system : analysis and new approaches to regulation : hardback ( Wiley finance series )花岡Jean-François Serval and Jean-Pascal TraniéWiley2015国際学部推薦図書コーナー(花岡) 338.3/Ser
10書影The new international financial system : analyzing the cumulative impact of regulatory reform : hardcover ( World scientific studies in international economics ; v. 48 )八尾editors, Douglas D. Evanoff, Andrew G Haldane, George G. KaufmanWorld Scientific2016経済学部推薦図書コーナー(八尾) 338.9/Eva
14 件中の 1-1012