検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
1書影The EU general data protection regulation (GDPR) : a commentary 花岡Lukas Feiler, Nikolaus Forgó, Michaela WeiglGlobe Law and Business2018書庫 316.1/Fei
2書影Global data protection in the field of law enforcement : an EU perspective : pbk ( Routledge research in EU Law )花岡Cristina Blasi CasagranRoutledge2018書庫 316.1/Cas
3書影Managing cyber risk in the financial sector : lessons from Asia, Europe and the USA : hbk ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 129 )花岡edited by Ruth TaplinRoutledge2016書庫 338.3/Tap
4書影Privacy as trust : information privacy for an information age : pbk , : hbk 花岡Ari Ezra WaldmanCambridge University Press2018書庫 316.1/Wal
5書影Privacy's blueprint : the battle to control the design of new technologies 花岡Woodrow HartzogHarvard University Press2018書庫 316.1/Har