検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
件名:LCSH:Monetarypolicy -- UnitedStates
14 件中の 1-1012
1書影Central banking in theory and practice : hb, alk. paper ( The Lionel Robbins lectures )花岡Alan S. BlinderMIT Press1998経済経営関連外書(3F) 338.4/Bli
2書影The Federal Reserve and the financial crisis : hardcover 花岡lectures by Ben S. BernankePrinceton University Press2013経済経営関連外書(3F) 338.453/Ber
3書影Financial markets and monetary policy : hbk 花岡Jeffrey A. FrankelMIT Press1995経済経営関連外書(3F) 338.1/Fra
4書影Inflation, unemployment, and monetary policy : hc 花岡Robert M. Solow and John B. Taylor, edited and with an introduction by Benjamin M. FriedmanThe MIT Press1998経済経営関連外書(3F) 337.953/Sol
5書影Monetarism and macroeconomic policy ( Economists of the twentieth century )花岡Thomas MayerE. Elgar1990経済経営関連外書(3F) 337.3/May
6書影A monetary history of the United States, 1867-1960 : hard , : pbk ( Studies in business cycles ; 12 )花岡別館[by] Milton Friedman [and] Anna Jacobson SchwartzPrinceton University Press1963図書館別館2階 332.53/Fri
7書影Monetary policy : pbk ( Studies in business cycles ; v. 29 )花岡edited by N. Gregory MankiwUniversity of Chicago Press1997経済経営関連外書(3F) 337.3/Man
8書影Monetary policy and the financial system 花岡別館by Paul M. HorvitzPrentice-Hall1969図書館別館2階 338.3/Hor
9書影Monetary policy in the United States : an intellectual and institutional history : hard , : pbk 花岡別館Richard H. TimberlakeUniversity of Chicago Press1993図書館別館2階 338.253/Tim
10書影Monetary policy rules ( A National Bureau of Economic Research conference report )花岡edited by John B. TaylorUniversity of Chicago Press1999経済経営関連外書(3F) 337.3/Tay
14 件中の 1-1012