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件名:LCSH:China -- Economicconditions
30 件中の 1-10123
1書影By all means necessary : how China's resource quest is changing the world : pbk ( Council on Foreign Relations books , Oxford paperbacks )花岡by Elizabeth C. Economy and Michael LeviOxford University Press2015-2014経済経営関連外書(3F) 334.7/Eco
2書影Changing labour policies and organization of work in China : impact on firms and workers : hbk ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 147 )花岡Ying Zhu, Michael Webber, and John BensonRoutledge2021書庫 366.1/Zhu
3書影China and India : a tale of two economies : hbk ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 66 )花岡Dilip K. DasRoutledge2006書庫 332.2/Das
4書影China's economic culture : the ritual order of state and markets : hbk ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 133 )花岡Carsten Herrmann-PillathRoutledge2017書庫 332.22/Her
5書影China's economic growth : the impact on regions, migration and the environment : uk : hbk , : uk : pbk , : us : hbk 花岡別館edited by Terry CannonMacmillan, St. Martin's Press2000図書館別館2階 332.22/Can
6書影China's economic transformation : pb 花岡Gregory C. ChowWiley Blackwell2015経済経営関連外書(3F) 332.22/Cho
7書影China's economy : [pbk.] ( What everyone needs to know )花岡Arthur R. KroeberOxford University Press2016経済経営関連外書(3F) 332.22/Kro
8書影China's economy : a collection of surveys : pbk 花岡edited by Iris Claus and Les OxleyWiley Blackwell2015経済経営関連外書(3F) 332.22/Cla
9書影China's Emergent Political Economy : Capitalism in the dragon's lair ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 75 )花岡edited by Christopher A. McNallyRoutledge2008書庫 332.22/McN
10書影China's innovation challenge : overcoming the middle-income trap : pbk , : hardback 花岡edited by Arie Y. Lewin, Martin Kenney, Johann Peter MurmannCambridge University Press2016経済経営関連外書(3F) 332.22/Lew
30 件中の 1-10123