検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
17 件中の 1-1012
1書影The culture of sensibility : sex and society in eighteenth-century Britain 花岡別館G.J. Barker-BenfieldUniversity of Chicago Press1992図書館別館2階 367.233/Bar
2書影Educational equity ( Gender and American law : the impact of the law on the lives of women ; 4 )花岡別館edited with introductions by Karen J. MaschkeGarland Pub.1997図書館別館2階 367.253/Mas
3書影The employment context ( Gender and American law : the impact of the law on the lives of women ; 3 )花岡別館edited with introductions by Karen J. MaschkeGarland Pub.1997図書館別館2階 367.253/Mas/3
4書影Feminism, objectivity and economics : hbk , : pbk ( Economics as social theory )花岡Julie A. NelsonRoutledge1996書庫 367.2/NEL
5書影Feminist interpretations of Michel Foucault ( Re-reading the canon )花岡別館edited by Susan J. HekmanPennsylvania State University Press1996図書館別館2階 135.5/HEK
6書影Gender and the organization : women at work in the 21st century : pbk , : hbk 花岡Marianna Fotaki and Nancy HardingRoutledge2018経済経営関連外書(3F) 366.38/Fot
7書影Gender : in world perspective : pb ( Short introductions )花岡Raewyn Connell & Rebecca PearsePolity2015国際学部推薦図書コーナー(花岡) 367.1/Con
8書影Human sexuality : hc ( The international research library of philosophy ; 19[ The philosophy of value] )花岡別館edited by Igor PrimoratzAshgate ([former,] Dartmouth)1997図書館別館2階 130.8/Int/19
9書影Kim Jiyoung, born 1982 : palsip yi nyeon saeng Kim Jiyeong : pbk 花岡Cho Nam-joo, translated by Jamie ChangLiveright2021国際学部推薦図書コーナー(花岡) 929.13/Cho
10書影Managing diversity in organizations : a global perspective : pbk 花岡María TrianaRoutledge2017経済経営関連外書(3F) 336.4/Tri
17 件中の 1-1012