検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
1書影Economics and the law : from Posner to post-modernism 花岡別館Nicholas Mercuro and Steven G. MedemaPrinceton University Press1997図書館別館2階 321/Mer
2書影Economics of the law : torts, contracts, property, litigation 花岡別館Thomas J. MiceliOxford University Press1997図書館別館2階 321/Mic
3書影Law and economics ( Addison-Wesley series in economics )花岡別館Robert Cooter, Thomas UlenAddison-Wesley2000図書館別館2階 321/Coo
4書影Law and economics v. 1 , v. 2 ( The international library of essays in law and legal theory[ Schools ; 3] )花岡別館edited by Jules Coleman and Jeffrey LangeDartmouth1992図書館別館2階 321.1/Int/Sch3-1
図書館別館2階 321.1/Int/Sch3-2
5書影Law and economics in Japanese competition policy : pbk 花岡Koki AraiSpringer Nature2019法学部推薦図書コーナー(花岡) 332.1/Ara
6書影Law, society, and economy : centenary essays for the London School of Economics and Political Science, 1895-1995 花岡別館edited by Richard RawlingsClarendon1997図書館別館2階 321.3/Raw