検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
件名:LCSH:Economics -- History
26 件中の 1-10123
1書影The ascent of money : a financial history of the world 花岡Niall FergusonPenguin Press2008経済経営関連外書(3F) 338.2/Fer
2書影Classicals, Marxians and neo-classicals ( Perspectives on the history of economic thought : selected papers from the History of Economics Society Conference ; v. 3 )花岡別館edited by D.E. MoggridgePublished for the History of Economics Society by Edward Elgar1990図書館別館2階 331.2/Per
3書影Classics and moderns in economics : essays on nineteenth- and twentieth-century economic thought v. 1 , v. 2 ( Routledge studies in the history of economics ; 57-58 )花岡Peter GroenewegenRoutledge2003書庫 332.06/Gro/1
書庫 332.06/Gro/2
4書影The diffusion of Western economic ideas in East Asia : hbk ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 137 )花岡edited by Malcolm WarnerRoutledge2017書庫 332.2/War
5書影Die drei Nationalökonomien : Geschichte und System der Lehre von der Wirtschaft 花岡別館Werner SombartDuncker & Humblot1967図書館別館2階 331.5/Som
6書影Economic doctrine and method : an historical sketch 花岡別館Joseph Schumpeter, translated by R. ArisG. Allen & Unwin1954図書館別館2階 331.72/Sch
7書影The economics of Joan Robinson : cloth ( Routledge studies in the history of economics ; 5 )花岡edited by Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Luigi L. Pasinetti and Alessandro RoncagliaRoutledge1996書庫 331.74/Rob
8書影Essays on the history of economics ( Routledge studies in the history of economics ; 67 )花岡Warren J. Samuels ... [et al.]Routledge2004書庫 331.2/Sam
9書影The evolution of economic ideas : pbk ( Modern Cambridge economics )花岡別館Phyllis DeaneCambridge University Press1978図書館別館2階 331.2/Dea
10書影From Mandeville to Marx : the genesis and triumph of economic ideology :pbk. 花岡別館Louis DumontUniversity of Chicago Press1977図書館別館2階 331.2/Dum
26 件中の 1-10123