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42 件中の 1-1012345
1書影The associational economy : firms, regions, and innovation 花岡別館Philip Cooke and Kevin MorganOxford University Press1998図書館別館2階 332.3/Coo
2書影Bestechungsgelder im internationalen Wirtschaftsverkehr : Korruption in Schuldvertraegen mit Auslandberuehrung ( Abhandlungen zum Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft ; Bd. 21 )花岡別館von Hansjaerg PiehlVerlag Recht und Wirtschaft1991図書館別館2階 326.21/Pie
3書影Canadian-American trade and investment under the Free Trade Agreement 花岡別館Harold Crookell, foreword by David S.R. LeightonQuorum Books1990図書館別館2階 678.11/Cro
4書影The China factor : leveraging emerging business strategies to compete, grow, and win in the new global economy : cloth 八尾Amy KaramWiley2016国際学部推薦図書コーナー(八尾) 675/Kar
5書影Competition in the natural gas pipeline industry : an economic policy analysis 花岡別館Edward C. GallickPraeger1993図書館別館2階 534.6/GAL
6書影Competition law and industrial policy in the EU 花岡別館Wolf SauterOxford University Press, Clarendon Press1997図書館別館2階 335.57/Sau
7書影The competitive advantage of nations 花岡別館Michael E. PorterFree Press1990図書館別館2階 602/Por
8書影Competitiveness, subsidiarity and industrial policy 花岡別館edited by Pat Devine, Yannis Katsoulacos and Roger SugdenRoutledge1996図書館別館2階 332.3/DEV
9書影The complexity of cooperation : agent-based models of competition and collaboration : pbk ( Princeton studies in complexity , Princeton paperbacks )花岡別館Robert AxelrodPrinceton University Press1997図書館別館2階 361.4/Axe
10書影Coordination failures and real rigidities : hard , : pbk ( MIT Press readings in economics[ New Keynesian economics ; v. 2] )花岡edited by N. Gregory Mankiw and David RomerMIT Press1991経済経営関連外書(3F) 331/Man
42 件中の 1-1012345