検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
1書影The British and American women's trade union leagues, 1890-1925 : a case study of feminism and class ( A Carlson publishing series , Scholarship in women's history : rediscovered and new ; 7 )花岡別館Robin Miller JacobyCarlson1994図書館別館2階 367.2/Sch/7
2書影Class : critical concepts : boxed set - v. 4 花岡別館edited by John ScottRoutledge1996図書館別館2階 361.8/Sco/1
図書館別館2階 361.8/Sco/2
図書館別館2階 361.8/Sco/3
図書館別館2階 361.8/Sco/4
3書影Race, gender, and class in criminology : the intersection ( Garland reference library of social science ; v. 1072 , Current issues in criminal justice ; v. 19 )花岡別館edited by Martin D. Schwartz and Dragan MilovanovicGarland Pub.1996図書館別館2階 326.3/Sch
4書影Die socialen Bewegungen im alten Rom und der Cäsarismus 花岡von Joh. MostDruck und Verlag der Allgemeinen Deutschen Associations-Buchdruckerei1878貴重書庫
5書影階層化日本と教育危機 : 不平等再生産から意欲格差社会 (インセンティブ・ディバイド) へ 花岡苅谷剛彦著有信堂高文社2001図書館3階 371.3/Kar