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1書影Anglo-American medical ethics and medical jurisprudence in the nineteenth century : pbk ( Philosophy and medicine ; v. 49[ The codification of medical morality : historical and philosophical studies of the formalization of Western medical morality in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries ; v. 2] )花岡別館edited by Robert BakerKluwer Academic Publishers1995図書館別館2階 490.15/BAK
2書影The English hospital, 1070-1570 花岡別館Nicholas Orme and Margaret WebsterYale University Press1995図書館別館2階 498.16/ORM
3書影Health & healing in eighteenth-century Germany : pbk ( The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; 114th series, 4 )花岡別館Mary LindemannJohns Hopkins University Press1996図書館別館2階 498.2/LIN
4書影Hippocratic medicine ( The development of science : sources for the history of science )花岡別館William Arthur HeidelArno Press1981図書館別館2階 085/Dev
5書影The history of medicine : a very short introduction ( Very short introductions ; 191 )花岡William BynumOxford University Press2008国際学部推薦図書コーナー(花岡) 083/VSI/191
6書影Medical ethics and etiquette in the eighteenth century ( Philosophy and medicine ; v. 45[ The Codification of medical morality : historical and philosophical studies of the formalization of Western medical morality in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries ; vol. 1] )花岡別館edited by Robert Baker, Dorothy Porter, and Roy PorterKluwer Academic Publishers1993図書館別館2階 490.1/BAK
7書影解体新書 序図・解説 花岡別館杉田玄白 [ほか訳著]地歴社 (発売)1994図書館別館2階 491.1/Sug
8書影西洋医学史ハンドブック 花岡別館ディーター・ジェッター著, 山本俊一訳朝倉書店1996図書館別館2階 490.23/Jet
9書影中国医学の歴史 花岡別館傅維康主編, 呉鴻洲副主編, 川井正久編訳, 川井正久, 川合重孝, 山本恒久翻訳東洋学術出版社1997図書館別館2階 490.22/Hui
10書影見える死、見えない死 花岡別館立川昭二著筑摩書房1988図書館別館2階 490.4/Tat