検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
1書影Asymmetric information, corporate finance, and investment ( A National Bureau of Economic Research project report )花岡edited by R. Glenn HubbardUniversity of Chicago Press1990経済経営関連外書(3F) 336.8/Gle
2書影The complete words of Wall Street : the professional's guide to investment literacy 花岡別館Allan H. Pessin, Joseph A. RossBusiness One Irwin1991図書館別館2階 338.12/Pes
3書影Global securities processing : the markets, the products 花岡別館David M. WeissNew York Institute of Finance1998図書館別館2階 338.15/Wei
4書影Investment adviser regulation : a step-by-step guide to compliance and the law ( Corporate and securities law library )花岡別館Clifford E. KirschPractising Law Institute1996図書館別館2階 328.1/Kir
5書影Market microstructure : intermediaries and the theory of the firm : hbk , : pbk 花岡Daniel F. SpulberCambridge University Press1999経済経営関連外書(3F) 331.8/Spu
6書影Reshaping the equity markets : a guide for the 1990s 花岡Robert A. Schwartz, with the assistance of Laura M. CohenHarper Business1991経済経営関連外書(3F) 338.16/Sch
7書影Security markets : stochastic models ( Economic theory, econometrics, and mathematical economics )花岡Darrell DuffieAcademic Press1988経済経営関連外書(3F) 338.15/Duf
8書影Struggle and survival on Wall Street : the economics of competition among securities firms 花岡別館John O. MatthewsOxford University Press1994図書館別館2階 338.16/Mat