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シリーズ名:The development of science : sources for the history of science
1書影A history of chemical theory ( The development of science : sources for the history of science )花岡別館Adolf WurtzArno Press1981図書館別館2階 085/Dev
2書影Hippocratic medicine ( The development of science : sources for the history of science )花岡別館William Arthur HeidelArno Press1981図書館別館2階 085/Dev
3書影Introduction a la zoologie générale ( The development of science : sources for the history of science )花岡別館H[enri] Milne-EdwardsArno Press1981図書館別館2階 085/Dev
4書影Theory of solutions and stereo-chemistry ( The development of science : sources for the history of science )花岡別館[editorial supervision, Rita Lawn]Arno Press1981図書館別館2階 085/Dev
5書影Andrew N. Meldrum : essays in the history of chemistry ( The development of science : sources for the history of science )花岡別館edited by I. Bernard CohenArno Press1981図書館別館2階 085/Dev
6書影Les allemands et la science ( The development of science : sources for the history of science )花岡別館Gabriel Petit et Maurice LeudetArno Press1981図書館別館2階 085/Dev
7書影Gravitation ( The development of science : sources for the history of science )花岡別館George Biddell AiryArno Press1981図書館別館2階 085/Dev
8書影An elementary treatise on the planetary theory ( The development of science : sources for the history of science )花岡別館Charles H. H. CheyneArno Press1981図書館別館2階 085/Dev