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著者情報:Warner, Malcolm, 1937-
1書影The political economy of the SARS epidemic : the impact on human resources in East Asia ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 76 )花岡Grace O.M. Lee and Malcolm WarnerRoutledge2008書庫 332.2/Lee
2書影North American management ( Critical perspectives on business and management[ Comparative management ; v. 1] )花岡別館edited by Malcolm WarnerRoutledge1997図書館別館2階 336/War/1
3書影European management ( Critical perspectives on business and management[ Comparative management ; v. 2] )花岡別館edited by Malcolm WarnerRoutledge1997図書館別館2階 336/War/2
4書影Asia-Pacific management ( Critical perspectives on business and management[ Comparative management ; v. 3] )花岡別館edited by Malcolm WarnerRoutledge1997図書館別館2階 336/War/3
5書影Management in the newly industrializing countries ( Critical perspectives on business and management[ Comparative management ; v. 4] )花岡別館edited by Malcolm WarnerRoutledge1997図書館別館2階 336/War/4
6書影International entrepreneurship : a comparative analysis : hbk ( Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ; 144 )花岡Susan Freeman, Zhu Ying and Malcolm WarnerRoutledge2020書庫 335.5/Fre
7書影The IEBM handbook of human resource management ( IEBM handbook series )八尾edited by Michael Poole and Malcolm WarnerInternational Thomson Business Press1998経済学部推薦図書コーナー(八尾) 336.4/Poo
8書影Unemployment in China : economy, human resources and labour markets : pbk ( RoutledgeCurzon contemporary China series )花岡edited by Grace O.M. Lee and Malcolm WarnerRoutledge2012経済経営関連外書(3F) 366.222/Lee