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著者情報:Hett, W. S.
1書影On the soul ; Parva naturalia ; On breath : us , : uk ( The Loeb classical library ; 288[ Aristotle ; 8] )花岡別館Aristotle, with an English translation by W.S. HettHarvard University Press, W. Heinemann1957図書館別館2階 908/Lo-1/30
2書影Problems : books XXII-XXXVIII ; Rhetorica ad Alexandrum : us , : uk ( The Loeb classical library ; 317[ Aristotle ; 16] )花岡別館Aristotle, [first work] with an English translation by W.S. Hett, [second work] with an English translation by H. RackhamHeinemann, Harvard University Press1957図書館別館2階 908/Lo-1/35
3書影Minor works : on colours, on things heard, physiognomics... ( The Loeb classical library ; 307 )花岡別館Aristotle, with an English translation by W. S. HettHeinemann, Harvard University Press1955図書館別館2階 908/Lo-1/33
4書影Problems 1 : us - 2 : uk ( The Loeb classical library ; 316, 317[ Aristotle ; 15, 16] )花岡別館Aristotle, with an English translation by W.S. HettHarvard University Press, W. Heinemann1953-1957図書館別館2階 908/Lo-1/34