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著者情報:Schwarzenberger, Georg
1書影A manual of international law ( The library of world affairs ; no. 3 )花岡別館by Georg Schwarzenbergerpublished under the auspices of the London Institute of World Affairs [by] Stevens, F.A. Praeger1967図書館別館2階 329.01/Sch
2書影Foreign investments and international law ( The library of world affairs ; no. 68 )花岡別館by Georg Schwarzenberger, [bibliography by A.M. Sutton]Stevens1969図書館別館2階 329.84/Sch
図書館別館2階 331.875/Sch
3書影International law 花岡別館by Georg SchwarzenbergerStevens 図書館別館2階 329.56/Sch
4書影Power politics : a study of world society ( The library of world affairs ; no. 18 )花岡別館by Georg SchwarzenbergerStevens1964図書館別館2階 329.01/Sch
5書影The inductive approach to international law ( The library of world affairs ; no. 67 )花岡別館by Georg SchwarzenbergerStevens1965図書館別館2階 329.1/Sch
6書影The frontiers of international law ( The library of world affairs ; no. 59 )花岡別館by Georg SchwarzenbergerStevens1962図書館別館2階 329.1/Sch