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著者情報:Cornford, Francis Macdonald, 1874-1943
1書影宗教から哲学へ : 西欧的思索の起源の研究 ( 文明研究所シリーズ ; 6 )花岡コーンフォード著, 廣川洋一訳東海大学出版会1966岩崎文庫 131/Cor/岩崎文庫
2書影Plato and Parmenides : Parmenides' Way of Truth and Plato's Parmenides ( International library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method )花岡translated with an introd. and a running commentary by Francis Macdonald CorfordRoutledge and K. Paul1939岩崎文庫 131.3/Cor/岩崎文庫
3書影ソクラテス以前以後 : ギリシア哲学小史 花岡F.M.コーンフォード [著], 大川瑞穂訳以文社1977岩崎文庫 131/Cor/岩崎文庫
4書影The physics : in two volumes [1] : books 1-4 : American , [1] : books 1-4 : British ( The Loeb classical library ; 228[ Aristotle : in twenty-three volumes ; 4] )花岡別館Aristotle, with an English translation by Philip H. Wicksteed and Francis M. CornfordHarvard University Press, Heinemann1957図書館別館2階 908/Lo-1/26
5書影The physics 1 : us - 2 : uk ( The Loeb classical library ; 228, 255[ Aristotle in twenty-three volumes ; 4, 5] )花岡別館Aristotle, with an English translation by Philip H. Wicksteed and Francis M. CornfordHarvard University Press, W. Heinemann1935図書館別館2階 908/Lo-1/27
6書影Plato and Parmenides : Parmenides' Way of truth and Plato's Parmenides ( International library of philosophy[ Ancient philosophy ; 3] )花岡別館translated with an introduction and a running commentary by Francis Macdonald CornfordRoutledge2000図書館別館2階 130.8/Phi/3
7書影Plato's theory of knowledge : the Theaetetus and the Sophist of Plato ( International library of philosophy[ Ancient philosophy ; 5] )花岡別館translated with a running commentary by Francis Macdonald CornfordRoutledge2000図書館別館2階 130.8/Phi/5