Restatement of the law, second : conflict of laws, 2d : as adopted and promulgated by the American Law Institute at Washington, D.C., May 23, 1969
書誌情報:Restatement of the law, second : conflict of laws, 2d : as adopted and promulgated by the American Law Institute at Washington, D.C., May 23, 1969
American Law Institute
Rev. and enl
St. Paul : American Law Institute Publishers , 1971-
v. ; 27 cm
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形態v. ; 27 cm
注記Vol. 1: §§ 1-221
Vol. 2: §§ 222-end, Index
Vol. 3-5 constitute appendices: Citations to the restatement
Vol. 6: Appendix
Vol. 7: Appendix, citations to the restatement from July 1995 through June 2004
Vol. 5 has supplement: Case citations to the restatement of the law : cumulative annual supplement for use in 1995, reporting cases from July 1986 through June 1994 that cite : Restatement of the law of conflict of laws (1 vol.) and Restatement of the law, second, conflict of laws 2d (2 vols.)
著者情報American Law Institute
分類分類の種類 NDC7
分類の記号 329

分類の種類 NDC
分類の記号 324.953

分類の種類 LCC
分類の記号 KF411

分類の種類 DC19
分類の記号 342.73/042
ISBN0314095845(v. 6)
件名LCSH:Conflictoflaws -- UnitedStates

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