Physiological programmatics of the nineteenth century
書誌情報:Physiological programmatics of the nineteenth century
edited by William Coleman
New York : Arno Press , 1981
ca. [500] p. in various pagings : ill. ; 24 cm
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形態ca. [500] p. in various pagings : ill. ; 24 cm
内容注記Coleman, W. Introduction
Haller, A. von. Vorrede, from Elementa physiologiae
Magendie, F. Introduction, from An elementary compendium of physiology
Muller, J. Prolegomena on general physiology, from Elements of physiology
Lotze, H. Leben: Lebenskraft
Dubois-Reymond, E. Vorrede, from Untersuchungen über die thierische Elektrizität
Ludwig, C. Einleitung, from Lehrbuch des Physiologie des Menschen
Bergmann, C. and Leuckart, R. Einleitung, from anatomisch-physiologische Uebersicht des Thierreichs
Carpenter, W. B. Preface, Introduction, On the nature and causes of vital actions, Of vital stimuli, from Principles of general and comparative physiology
Huxley, T. H. On the physical basis of life
Purkyne, J. E. Ueber den Begriff der Physiologie, ihre Beziehung zu den übrigen Naturwissenschaften
Bernard, C. Le problème de la physiologie générale
Bernard, C. The definition of life
シリーズ名The development of science : sources for the history of science
注記Reprint of selected works published 1757-1877
Text in English and German and French
著者情報Coleman, William, 1934-
分類分類の種類 NDC8
分類の記号 481.3

分類の種類 LCC
分類の記号 QP31

分類の種類 DC19
分類の記号 599.01
件名LCSH:Physiology -- Addresses,essays,lectures
LCSH:Physiology -- Earlyworksto1800 -- Addresses,essays,lectures
番号LCCN : 80002107

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