刊年 | 1976 |
形態 | 252 p. : ill. ; 24 cm |
内容注記 | Inflation: Solow, R. M. Down the Phillips curve with gun and camera. Lerner, A. P. Wages, profits, and marginal analysis. Esposito, F. F. and Esposito, L. Industry price changes, market structure, and inflation. Belsley, D. A. United States silver coinag Trade: Caves, R. E. Looking at inflation in the open economy. Samuelson, P. A. Illogic of neo-Marxian doctrine of unequal exchange. Hinshaw, R. Devaluation and absorption. Triffin, R. Basic considerations on international monetary reform. Montgomery, S. Taxes: Musgrave, R. A. Taxation, inflation, and growth. Friedlaender, A. F. Absolute poverty and macroeconomic activity. Kane, E. J. A cross-section study of tax avoidance by large commercial banks
注記 | Includes bibliographies and index |
出版国 | アメリカ合衆国 |
標題言語 | 英語 |
本文言語 | 英語 |
著者情報 | Bourneuf, Alice Belsley, David A.
分類 | 分類の種類 NDC9 分類の記号 337.9
分類の種類 LCC 分類の記号 HG229
分類の種類 DC 分類の記号 332.4/1
ISBN | 0814201946
件名 | LCSH:Inflation(Finance) -- Addresses,essays,lectures
LCSH:Commerce -- Addresses,essays,lectures
LCSH:Taxation -- Addresses,essays,lectures
NCID | BA0362897X |
番号 | LCCN : 75019099 |